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The International


on Resilient Cities



City resilience is a city’s ability to withstand or recover from an adverse event resulting from either natural causes or human action.


As urbanization continues to grow, larger populations in smaller areas are exposed to the effects of global weather extremities, political and military conflicts, economic crises and other disasters.


Focusing our efforts to assure resilience in cities is the most cost effective way to protect populations from disaster. Cities are resilient if they can absorb shocks, such as Hurricane Sandy, and maintain their output of goods and services for their inhabitants.


As centers of global population, economy and culture, urban areas must be able to withstand stress and shocks to their physical, socioeconomic, and ecological systems. The capacity to survive, adapt and recover from a crisis or disaster is a city’s resilience. Furthermore, resilience is a key to local development.


The International conference on resilient cities aims to discuss the vulnerability of modern cities and ways to deal with them by considering local management of health and social infrastructures, governance, urban planning and advanced technologies. 


The conference encourages multi-disciplinary approachesto the challenges of "resilient cities".

As such, it will host participants from a wide range of backgrounds , including academic researchers, municipal experts, emergency response units, disaster and risk assessments consultants, urban planners and more.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline:

June 30, 2016 

Notification on approved abstracts:

July 7, 2016

Full papers submission:

July 30, 2016

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